Get A Deeper Understanding Of These Iconic Animals

The Spring Wolf & Bear Discovery Lodging & Learning package focuses on seeing and learning about wolvesand bears in Yellowstone National Park. Both elusivespecies occupy important roles on the landscape andin our imaginations. Each day, you will visit strategicviewing locations along Yellowstone’s infamousnorthern range and discuss the biology, ecology, andresearch surrounding these fascinating creatures. Wewill also take advantage of opportunities to observeand discuss other wildlife and their role in theecological fabric of Yellowstone. Short hikes may alsobe sprinkled through the entire trip to provide for animmersive experience. A Yellowstone field educatorwill ensure all logistics are accounted for whileproviding high quality interpretation of observations.Each evening, participants will return to theircomfortable accommodations at the Mammoth HotSprings Hotel.
Most sightings of wildlife occur at a distance; the field educator will provide high-powered spotting scopes and binoculars for group use.
Activity Level – Hikes up to 3 miles per day with elevation gains up to 600 feet. Some off-trail hiking possible.
Lodging & Learning programs are offered in partnership with Yellowstone Forever.
Package Includes:
- Four nights atMammoth Hot Springs Hotel & Cabins
- In-park transportation via a 14-passenger minibus
- Most meals, to include: three boxed to-go breakfasts and three boxed to-go lunches
- One welcome gift per adult
- Exceptional educational programming with a Yellowstone Forever field educator
- High powered scopes and binoculars
- Field equipment (as needed)
Download the Spring Wolf and Bear Discovery Package Itinerary